The weekend of December 8–10, 2023 marked the gathering in the little town of Columbia Falls, Maine – a town that brings Christmas cheer and fresh balsam wreaths to families and veterans cemeteries across the country.
The What About Maine staff had the opportunity to interview participating members of the convoy heading south to Arlington. We attended a dinner at Narraguagus High School in Harrington, a send-off event to honor all those involved, especially the truckers! Truckers had been working for over a month delivering Wreaths Across America, most of whom would be in the 68 vehicle convoy to Arlington. Before dinner was served all of the drivers lined up and waited their turn to say their names and towns they live in, the companies they work for, their military affiliations and where they had delivered loads of wreaths. It was an amazing experience to hear the diversity of all involved.
Our crew spent the night in Ellsworth, assuring we would be ready to interview as many folks as possible at the convoy’s first stop at the YMCA in downtown Ellsworth. The day actually began before dawn when the Worcester family, staff and board members had a wreath presentation at the West Quoddy Head Light in Lubec at first light. Then off to the Canadian border crossing to exchange ceremonial wreaths with their Canadian counterparts, and back to Columbia Falls for the kickoff of the convoy.
Mainers lined the roadsides with their families in tow to honk and wave them on their way.
In Ellsworth, the sounds of sirens foretold the coming of the convoy. Main Street was lined with well-wishers. Some had been there every year and others were enjoying their first experience. We were able to capture some of their stories.
After a program in the YMCA, they moved on to Belfast, Gardiner, and ended their day in Portland. Monday, after a stop in York, Gold Star Families, military, police and security team, bus loads of volunteers, staff and all the wreath-filled trucks crossed the Sarah Mildred Long Bridge. They left Maine behind but carried with them the hopes and prayers of all Mainers to represent us by Remembering, Honoring and Teaching everyone the power of laying a wreath.